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PRICE: $169.99
In Stock: YES
2015 LS EM Item

1 of only 10 Dead Lord Suits created! Extremely rare.
Hue 1936(Hunter Green)

The predecessor to the `Mad King` suit, Dead Lords suit of armor is one of the best looking event armor suits ever created. This listing is for the chest slot piece - a bone armor tunic.

These are getting very hard to find, with only 10 suits being in the entire game and one well known owner hoarding at least 4 completed sets of them for the past few years. Thats why its hard to even find a single piece of these listed for sale these days.

Buy the UO "Dead Lord Armor (Chest Piece)" from UOTreasures
This store has a Dead Lord Armor (Chest Piece) to buy with any debit bank or credit card via the use of paypal's website or google's checkout with no account required. Your UO Dead Lord Armor (Chest Piece) will be ready in minutes!

Using the live chat feature can speed up your delivery by letting the delivery team know thats your ready for your ultima online Dead Lord Armor (Chest Piece) or Ultima Online orders in-game.

This UO Dead Lord Armor (Chest Piece) is provided by the UOTreasures store and is available to buy on all shards. UO Treasures is pleased to bring you the best UO Dead Lord Armor (Chest Piece) for sale in ultima online. Grab your items from our quick delivery team!