UO Stat Scrolls
Power Stat Scrolls to raise the cap
Scroll of Valiant Commendation
Price: $47.99
Double click to increase your stat cap +5 (to 260!)
After you use it, it becomes a keepsake of the event and has the following text:
"Rewarded to [CHARNAME]"
"Presented for Exceptional Bravery During The Siege of Exodus City"
| $47.99
Scroll Of Valiant Commendation - Replica
Price: $4.79
Double click to increase your stat cap +5 (to 260!)
After you use it, it becomes a keepsake and has the following text:
Claimed by [CHARNAME]
| $4.79
Get UO Stat Scrolls from UO Treasures, talk to our Live Chat delivery team.